Tuesday, August 14, 2018

esp32 programming or flashing user programs...

as i was trying to upgrade an old project that had separate wifi-module (esp8266-esp01) and microcontroller(arduino-uno) to improve stability that is brought in by esp32, my first uploading experience was a failure. it reported a fatal error.....blah blah...

i was very much aware esp01 coding needs GPIO-0 GrouNDed (pulled to ground) to make it enter into flashing mode so that new program can be loaded onto it. i had covered this elsewhere. http://tech-steel.blogspot.com/2017/08/prototype-mould-oscillation-checker.html

it was not much hard to identify how to program esp32.
once the coding is complete and compiling is finished and when uploading starts as below....

step 1. press and hold ENable-chip button on ESP-WROOM-32
step 2. press and hold BOOT button
step 3. release EN-button (on this third step we can see the code getting flashed on to esp32-image below.)
step 4. release BOOT button.