Monday, July 23, 2018

pneumatic valves in a ladle shroud manipulator

this pic above shows a pneumatic valve that is fixed in a ladle shroud manipulator mechanism. arrow marks indicate the direction(downwards) in which the flow is unhindered and the direction (upward) in which flow can be regulated.

next pic shows another valve attached just above this valve but in reversed position. bottom valve regulates the flow into the cylinder (piston side, so that lifting speed of shroud manipulator is proper), while the valve at the top bleeds the Instrument Air from the piston side of the cylinder to lower the manipulator at a controlled speed. while lowering bottom valve does not offer any resistance to the downgoing airflow. the block knob at the side of the valve body helps to regulate the flowrate of the IAir going in or out to help regulate the speed of raising or lowering the manipulator.

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